We-Vitalize your workplace wellness!

Is your team struggling with increased stress leaves? 
Has production and effectiveness of your team slowed down? 
Are you and your staff inspired and connected to one another? 
Have you been wondering how to better support your team?  

Join us for an online wellness session Monday February 27, 2023, from 11:30 am-12:45 pm. 

This opportunity is to support leaders and pioneers to understand the benefits of Somatic Experiencing (SE) in their workplace and at home. The best way to understand SE is to experience its effectiveness for yourself.   The simple tools you will learn can reduce stress significantly.

This virtual experience will be facilitated by Patricia Berendsen and Hannah Vanderheyden. 

Somatic Experiential learning
De-stress, relax and we-vitalize. 
Get insight and inspired to make micro choices for wellness


Your Facilitators

Patricia is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and psychotherapist in private practice in London ON for the past 30 years and specializes in somatically based psychotherapy. 

As a leader and pioneer, Patricia brought Somatic Experiencing to Ontario two decades ago.  Since then, hundreds of practitioners have been trained and thousands of people have been impacted by this modality.

Patricia is an accomplished speaker and workshop facilitator.  She recently (2022) received an OASW provincial Inspirational Leadership award. 

Patricia consults professionals both locally and globally.  In addition, she provides training for agencies, organizations, and corporations that wish to incorporate a trauma informed and somatic perspective into their leadership and workplace. Patricia is an advocate of “Keeping the Soul in Our Work".

Hannah is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and Life Coach.  She is also an Engagement and Connection Facilitator who specializes in community vitality.

Hannah believes in re-thinking the ways in which we gather and we-vitalize our wellness through our shared human experiences.  She utilizes a Somatic, body wisdom, trauma informed approach to vitality, well-being and belonging. 

She works with clients 1:1 and facilitates group experiences.