Equal Give and Take


Equal give and take. 

Relationships have the capacity to nourish our cups of love, growth, and connection.  

The ingredients:

If the ships are aligned in unison with a common goal, and the attitude is of gratitude and cooperation,  it’s likely we’ll build fulfilling and sustained outcomes. 


We only have so much time, attention and energy (resources) to collaborate potently with in life.  

What I’ve observed is that positive playmates enhance and activate this energy, abundantly.  

Focus is our superpower and where we direct it is up to us. The direction of our focus will drive the outcomes as a result.  

Be sure to FOCUS on what you DO WANT VS. What you DON’T.

If we constantly focus on what is weak/different, we are more than likely to be dissatisfied in our connections and find our results unsuccessful or less than desired.  

Growth moments use high energy and we aim to surround ourselves with growth companions who help us bear witness to the fruits from the labour.  

We use the challenges/blocks as resources to evolve and discover new routes to our desired outcomes.  

This is where being selective in the playmates we surround ourselves with is important.  

Whether it be professional, personal or spiritual, these playmates/companions are the witness to the fruit of our fulfillment.   

Pick the playmates that bear fruit abundantly in everyones lives.


There is a difference between willing and unwilling playmates. 

Here are some great question to ask ourselves when deciphering who these positive playmates are, we can; 


1.  Identify who in your life has appeared / approached the relationship willingly to co-create with you?

2. Ask ourselves, “How willing are we to grow together?  

3. How willing are we to learn from each-other?

4. How willing are we to become resourceful and creative in engineering a process to success that works for everyone involved?


Once positive playmates have been identified, use these questions to create a foundation for success:

5. Identify the areas of the relationship that are strong. 

6. Identify common values

7. Identify the individual strengths and weaknesses of each person. 

8. Leverage these strengths to support the mutual values of the union for benefit.  

9. Essentially, what are we expecting to learn from each-other?

You are worthy of positive playmates.  

There are people demonstrating similar values of co-creation, and they want to do it with you.  

When we let go of unwilling playmates, we make room for those who are ready and willing to meet you at the level you are at.  

Those who demonstrate a willingness to collaborate, communicate and enter our vortex. 

Next time you find yourself discontented in a union or area of life/relationship you are interacting with, consider applying these principles and see what happens. 

Think like a scientist of your interactions.   Observe which methods drive the highest fulfillment and success towards the life you are building. 

Peace, love and community unity. 




I wanted to share this clip particularly because I find it delightful,


because I feel it demonstrates a great example of feminine vs. masculine PROCESS.

I’ve been spending some time working with Dr. Pauline Crawford-Omps who has been studying gender dynamics in boardroom and business settings for the past 30 years.

I’m about to refer specifically to two generalized forms of execution - based - processes.

One will be called masculine, and the other feminine. These are void of gender but refer to the energetic styles and common formats of process in execution. These energetics often reveal on a SPECTRUM vs. any HARDENED PERMANENT STATE.

When considering these examples, it can be fun to question where on the spectrum you fall in your strength of all or any specific formal process.

OK< that’s settled, let’s dig in!

I will also speak in further posts about why understanding these different formats can help excel your team, career, relationships… business, pretty much everything that you do.

Presently, I’ve observed us as a global species to be in a constant state of battle over this transformation (or battle filled with challenges, obstacles, road blocks, mountains to climb and never-ending rabbit holes to fall through.

Execution and driving projects forward are slowed or halted, frustrations arise, ego’s prey for power over their team, desiring to lord their known process over the others… forgetting the power and potency of each member, leaving the collective picture untapped… It’s true potential.

This is tragic.

If the intention is to move a project forward in hyper potency and not just speed, then it’s time to listen up.

Learning to harmonize a team by leveraging its strengths (feminine process) in a collected format (masculine process) is key.

How do we do this?

Feminine process speaks of YES!…. AND....!

There is always an AND Which can move in all directions, considering the connections to all things, the infinite possibility.. kind of like the movement led on the dance floor.

It’s beautiful, soft, allowing and moving in all directions, it’s almost mesmerizing.

Masculine energy holds the form and offers structure to the chaotic energy.

It offers the boundaries for the energy to flow between, bounce around and pass through.

Essentially It directs the energy towards the intention.

This is the divine compliment of masculine and feminine properties of energy! This is why neither one is ultimately superior, good or bad, better or worse- they are simply complimentary.

This is our next adventure! To practice and strengthen these polarized systems of process with the intention of fusing the systems into one.

To continually assess and reassess HOW - WE - CAN leverage these polar gifts to harmonize our ecosystems so we can thrive, rather than just survive.

Identified Challenges:

The unstructured chaos of the feminine can overwhelm the masculine, because it breaks the structured rules of “one box at a time” vs. The YES- AND approach which considers the global perspective.

Adding structure to the chaos can feel demanding, oppressing or dismissive if not handled with understanding, care and respect.

Overall this demonstrates the presence of unexercised muscles in need of both practice, training and cooperation.

Primarily feminine process dominants have the work to see, hear, and experience the benefits, purpose, and NEED for the masculine. To uphold and honour the masculine to summarize the findings and results implicated from the feminine process and add the structure to drive them forward.

The masculine has the role to see, hear and experience the benefits and PURPOSE from the feminine. To consider the details of how to drive not only to survive, but to excel collectively in the potency of the big picture growth and well-being of its ecosystem.

This is a play of balance, unity and cooperation of pursuing our desired intention.

If we want to make HISTORY, if we want to make a GLOBAL IMPACT!…. Let’s do it! … but let’s do it something different.

Hold love, care and concern for the others wishes, desires, and enjoy yourself too!

Allow the big picture to be met with every small moment and next best action.

Take risks, be bold, treat each other well.

Drive together.

Stay blessed.

Peace, love and community unity yal!


HAN-Nan- NA-NA -NAH - nah nah nah NUH!

ADHD is a bad word.

I see one major barrier between individuals accessing support for their loved one with suspected ADHD/ADD functions. 

I think there's a sense of paralyzing fear that can come up for many parents which is this resistance to diagnosis, to labels and no one wants to have their child labeled or be prejudged or called out as the problem kid, or hyper kid. 

Being known for being different seems to be this thing that is so feared. To me It's not about the diagnosis, it's about the understanding. 

What diagnosis can do is offer space for you to accept your child.

I may have just thrown a bunch of people for a loop by saying that “excepting your child” 

because we're taught not to accept certain types of behavior and when you see behavior that you don't understand that doesn't make sense to you and just doesn't seem logical, it's easy to become frustrated and feel like the only answer is “how do I stop this and change it immediately, this is so not how it's supposed to be, they’re supposed to be XYZ”.

This is a problem because what is happening is you're getting stuck or we're getting stuck on the diagnosis and the fear of difference. 

In reality, your child probably knows that they're different and if they're an adult they probably feel that too. 

There aren’t really any spoilers here… I think everyone already knows if “so and so” is constantly getting reprimanded by the teacher or scowled and harped at by the parent for forgetting the backpack or not doing what they said they're supposed to do. 

That understanding is already present but what's missing is the understanding of these behaviors or challenges. 

A diagnosis can help bring closure to what is really going on and be explained to you and in a language hopefully that you can understand and that directs you to resources and support. 

Sometimes these diagnoses allow for individualized education plans, which means that your child would get the support that they need to excel.

What happens and we don't get the diagnosis and we keep her head buried in the sand? 

Nothing gets better. You and your child do not gain the understanding or ability to advocate clearly what's going on. 

It’s likely you're just sitting there feeling like a failure as a parent going 

“why can’t I get it together? 

Why is it so easy for everyone else to get their kids to do XYZ but for me it's a bloody headache every time! 

I'm ready to pull my hair out”! 

or why am I getting calls from the school on the regular? 

That's the benefit of a diagnosis, it’s an explanation for what you're going through. 

When we get an explanation and we understand there's a reason for this, it's a lot easier to get on board with the supports that are needed. 

There's action that needs to be taken with the diagnosis and it's not just medication. 

No one has to medicate, you don't have to medicate your kid because they have a diagnosis. 

Diagnosis does not mean medication. 

When I was a teacher, I wanted to know if a child had a diagnosis, not so I could pre-judge them but so that I could prepare for them. I would know immediately to expect to see some odd things in their behavior and to be prepared to be flexible because that is absolutely what is required with many diagnoses. 

We need to be flexible and we need to be prepared for whatever needs will show up. 

They are likely to be unique which prepares us to be flexible and to be adaptable. It also offers a heads up of strategies that we can use. For example, there is phrasing I wouldn't use with Neurodiverse child like I would with a neurotypical child.

I wouldn’t ask them to do three tasks in a row, I'd start with one. 

For example.

“Go get your boots, the yellow boots under your bag, Yep! they're right there, grab your boots, Yep grab your boots, right? 

It's repeat repeat repeat, and it's ONE TASK at a time. 

If yoU say get your boots and your backpack and go get your lunch this child is going to be spinning or lost somewhere and it's likely going to be frustrating and you're more likely to lose your cool. 

It's also more likely for teachers to lose their cool. 

When we don't have an explanation for behavior, it's very hard to advocate for our child. 

I’m not just referring to the power of advocating just at school or with family members.. but even just for yourself. 

Sometimes it can be soothing to understand that it's not your child trying to drive you crazy, their brain is functioning differently and is having a functioning issue. 

It can really help a parent or person in that person's life to consider that.. “maybe let's not read into what I see in such a horrible, demonizing way... Instead, let’s call it what it is. 

From there you can look at yourself and look at the person and ask ourselves 

“what's a realistic action here? 

What’s a realistic way to relate? 

What can I expect realistically or how do I need to shift in my approach?

Monitoring our own behavior is hard to do for a lot of people. 

Dealing with a diagnoses requires us to self regulate and to change the way that we do things. 

Change is always easier said than done right? 

Having to adjust our expectations is not a piece of cake, it’s not easy. 

It does take time and I can see why these steps might feel scary for people. 

I can empathize that people don't want to be labeled cause neither do I, no one wants that, it's not nice and the name for ADHD sucks because it doesn't accurately represent the diversity that comes with it and how unique each person symptoms are and how they manifest for each individual person and family life. 

I do think it sucks, but regardless of that, it does allow for the doors to open for support and adaptations for clarity and understanding. 

I think the worst thing in the world about having ADHD is being misunderstood and being seen as lazy and careless, rude or aggressive. 

Being able to speak to that more intelligently is very empowering for everyone and it also offers us a language to train the children or the person with the Neurodiverse functions how to navigate them. 

There's awareness that needs to be trained and it takes time, repetition is so key. 

You're going to have to repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat and I find that one behavior change can sometimes take up to a year for someone with a Neurodiverse brain. 

Repetition is key, you might not see results for a while but then all of a sudden one day there's a click on and it switches. 

Personal awareness and development is a huge factor for the individuals to be learning about how their brains function, the strengths, the challenges, and things to be aware of. 

Those conversations are very important.  
A diagnosis is not all about medication, it's not so we can label your child, it’s so that we can make sure you and your child are getting the support that you need. 

The truth is you don't need a diagnosis if that's what you're fearful of to get support for your child. I’ll repeat that. You do not need a diagnosis to treat your child's ADHD functions. 

Medication is an option and it's a way and you can get that with a diagnosis, they can offer you the medication. You would have the green card of access if that is something you so choose to obtain. 

You DO NOT need a diagnosis to work with specialists on how to work with your ADHD brained child. 

I think support is the most important thing for the parent, for the family members and for the person who has a neurodiverse brain. 

I think one of the most profound solutions is teaching them that this is a big part of you, this is a big part of what you're going to face and how you're going to experience aspects of life. 

It’s really important I believe to get on board with that, learn about what's going to happen or what is happening and get clear on how this shows up for you and adapt your lifestyle to support it so that you can be optimized and get the most out of all aspects of life, home, school, work, relationship, career. 

it’s imperative that we learn this stuff as soon as possible. 

I definitely would recommend that if a diagnosis is something you're afraid of, don't worry about it, no sweat. 

Take your time, but don't take your time in accessing support for you and your family and your child. 

I think that is absolutely essential because the reality is, I think you already know if your child has ADHD/ADD or is neurodiverse.. if you're suspecting it and you’ve got the stories to share it, you’ve already self-diagnosed and the most important thing about that diagnosis is the understanding and the applications of strategic adaptations to support the functions of your child or yourself. 

It’s likely you and others in the family have ADD or ADHD or are neurodiverse, which can come with all kinds of different challenges in itself. 

Again, this understanding is going to help probably everyone to learn more about the functions of the brain and get on board with the adaptations that are going to make life easier for everyone and help everyone do better at the end of the day.