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The JOYFEST Experience.

There is nothing worse than throwing a stinker of a party.

Everyone is biding time until the event is over. People are checking their phones.. they are disengaged…. reaching for more booze to make tres boring event, interesting.

Don’t let this be you! “Party Planner Person”.

When was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach ached or smiled so hard your face hurt?

We help you offer experiences that will be talked about and remembered for years after!


Community Engagement.

Success for every person comes down to a NEW decision:

Are you ready to experience something different?

JoyFEST is a community building catalyst. We utilize play which deepens bonds and a sense of belonging. Play catalyzes natural, authentic expression which liberates the human spirit. This is important now more than ever. We are supporting pandemic recovery by reviving our collective spirit.


It’s time to ENGAGE the whole community with JoyFest!

ENGAGE with JoyFest is like the best time of your life... but so much more.

Everyone around you is on the same team, encouraging you, and inviting you to express your heart out.

It's a feeling of being yourself while being a part of something really special. You feel zero insecurity regardless if you know anyone or not. You are filled with joy. You feel accepted.

ELEVATING YOUR EVENTS - Community Engagement.

It’s all about that vibe, yes that vibe, we bring the vibe.

ENGAGE with JoyFEST is all about showing up to create an elevating experience together. We welcome and encourage everyones creativity. This we leverage to build a co-created program.

Get ready, It’s time to play again!

"There is something innately magical about the JoyFEST experience".

  • Authentic Liberation

  • Creativity + Collaboration

  • Community + Connection



  • If there is music and a crowd, we unite the collective spirit.

    We also provide the music and community wide celebration facilitation.


    • Our joy facilitators engage the crowd using a series of tested techniques + activites which engage and electrify the vibe of any event/crowd/group.

  • Event types:

    • City-Wide Public Events-

    • Corporate/Professional Team Unifying Events

    • Festivals

    • Private Parties / Celebrations
      (that’s right bachelorettes! we got you!)

    • Birthdays, Weddings, family reunions, Stag’n doe!

    • Parades

    • Fireworks

    • Rallies / Walks

    • Concerts

    • Sporting events

    • Festivals

    • Universities / Schools

    • Work Groups + Team Building

    • Workshops/ Seminars / Conferences

  • To create a revolutionary community of vibrant people who desire to express themselves. To live intentionally, on purpose & with purpose. We believe in event experiences that meet our core needs and desires. Living in our fullest and wildest expressions of ourselves.. We want our communities to have the opportunity of access to real fun, connection, conversation and play! To share with others on a decentralized stage we create together.We believe that with the right event experiences, we can reduce loneliness and oppression. We believe these experiences allow us to channel energy into who we are, what makes us shine & pursue building the lives we dream of. “always - better - together”

  • We motivate crowds safely by leading them with a carrot instead of hitting them with a stick. We engage the crowd playfully. This is how we are helping our city rebuild unity and trust.

    We keep the crowd joyful. We elevate cooperation and collective spirit through music, activities (not limited to and including: dance, walking, biking) and destinations.

    Joy, kindness and respect are powerful catalysts for inspiring cooperation.

    We are a team of community leaders, skilled group facilitators, artists and musicians.

  • In our planning we will explore and collaborate. Your input plays a big part in these results.

    We are here to work alongside the production team as engagement pioneers. We are pioneering new ways of working together.

    As avengers of joy. Our presence de-escalates tense crowd energy. We elevate group cooperation and playfulness.

    We lead with kindness, joy, hope and celebration over fear.

    We will cheer, laugh and dance. Our programs welcome and encourage everyone.

    We are bringing unity and celebration as an integral part of our city wide event culture.

    Depression rates skyrocketted during the pandemic along with addictions/alcohol etc.

    We take a proactive stance in revitalizing the bruised spirit of our city to support recovery.

    According to the Canadian Mental Health Association. “By the time we reach 40 years of age, half of us will have had or will develop a mental health problem. About 17% of British Columbians – somewhere around 800, 000 people – are experiencing a mental illness or substance use issue today”. 

An estimated 84,000 children and youth in BC have a diagnosed mental disorder.

    Right now, we are paying for mental illness in the most expensive way possible because we are waiting until the point of crisis. Mental health problems cost our economy an estimated $6.6 billion annually. (https://cmha.bc.ca/impact/facts-and-figures/)

    We are here to aid in and support the growing numbers of mental health due to isolation and loneliness.

    We maximize gathering design to serve our city at large in addressing the mental health epidemic.

    We believe that with regular access to novel experiences, ones that foster connection. We can raise the city climate and increase our cities quality of life. 

    After co-conspiring over 100 events, we’ve learned the core ingredients that make an experience great:

    *A sense of belonging where authenticity can come out to play.  

    *When guests play an active role in their experiences; sharing their hidden gifts, talents and traditions. 

    *When guests have orienting opportunities; to themselves, the space, and one another.  

    *Great Music 🎶 

    We would like to continue offering our services to the city at large.

Group Facilitation

  • Emotions are designed like a rainbow; full of colour, variety and expanse.  Each colour of emotion brings gifts and learnings which can benefit us. 

    Our expression in its fullness is transformational. Ecstasis is healing and filled with opportunities for expansion. We become vibrant versions of our wonder-full selves.

    In The body keeps the score, Bessel Van der Kolk (world renowned psychotherapist) refers to dancing and singing as a way to help heal people. 

    "Being in rhythmic harmony including synchronistic sounds and movement with other people is the ultimate Sense of safety"

    We define JOY not as FEELING POSITIVE EMOTIONS, but rather Feeling positive ABOUT emotions.

    Translated: Free from judgement, free to be ourselves in our experience. We notice what is. We are not designed to live in one emotion. 

    Our programs consist of artfully selected music. This drives out our emotionality. This allows us to exercise a technique called “emotional fluidity”; the ability to flow between one emotional state of being to another.

    This reminds us that we are the causing agent of our emotional base. We realize we no longer need to remain stagnant or stuck in uninspiring moods. We learn we can create the results we want at any time.

    “Silliness is next to godliness”.  —Gary. L DDP

  • Hannah is passionate about providing the energy, enthusiasm and structure to provide a consistently magical experience, every time.  

    She ensure the highest quality of program excellence and service delivery. Hannah facilitates experiences that liberate the human spirit. She provides opportunities for people to connect and celebrate together. She catalyze’s everyones creativity and enthusiasm for fun and silliness. With Hannah comes 15 years of wisdom working as an educator and strategic life coach.

    At the end of the day, we are all just big kids in need of love, encouragement and a safe space to explore and discover ourselves. This is the container I provide.

  • Hannah Vanderheyden - Founder, Creator, Transformational liberation coach, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, trainer and group facilitator.

    Completed Robbins-Madanes coach Training under my teachers Tony Robbins, Cloe Madanes, Mark Peysha, and Magali Peysha.S.E.P. Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (https://traumahealing.org)I am an Early Childhood Educator and I bring my 12 years of expertise into the experiences I design & facilitate.

    At the end of the day, we are all just big kids in need of love, encouragement and a safe space to explore and discover ourselves. This is the container I provide.