Parent Education - Our Gift to You

Thank you for being here!

It takes guts to walk through these doors and we’re really glad you did.  We hope your time with us was informative and that it helped you connect more deeply with your purpose in parenthood.  We understand it is A lot to think about. 

As a thank you for coming by, we’d like to offer you a COMPLIMENTARY GIFT!

A short and powerful mini module:

“Igniting Your Purpose and Power as Parents”

Sign up below to receive your FREE GIFT:

Join us September 12th for our live Q & A

Where we will answer all of your questions!

Hannah Vanderheyden Founder and Creator Group Facilitator

Hannah Vanderheyden
Founder and Creator
Group Facilitator

  • Robbins Madanes Life Coach

  • Advanced Relationship Coach (Strategic Intervention)

  • Sexual Health Educator- Certifying

  • Diploma (+ certified) Early Childhood Educator

  • Diploma (+certified) Special Needs Educator

  • SAR (Sexual Attitudes Reassessment)

  • Seleema Noon- Body Science

  • I bring my life experience and “been there” wisdom, along with 15 years experience working as an educator and professional life coach.  

  • My ability to normalize conversations around taboo topics and provide access to real information with real conversation.

  • My genuine enjoyment of facilitating conversations related to bodies, safety, sexuality and consent.  I enjoy engaging my audience and being that rare person who can respond fully to a persons curiosity, comments and questions. 

As a Robbins-Madanes Life Coach and Educator of children with special challenges, I partnered with Patricia Berendsen, a Psychotherapist and Somatic Sex Educator to bring the best of our 45 years of combined work expertise and life experience!
There isn’t a program offered to youth quite like this one.
Welcome to the Young Warriors dream team!

Patricia Berendsen Co-creator Clinical consultant

Patricia Berendsen
Clinical consultant

RP (registered Psychotherapist)

  • RSW (registered social worker)

  • SET (somatic experiencing Practioner)

  • SSE (somatic sex educator) Life Coach

  • CCFT (certified couple and family therapist)

  • Over 30 years of Psychotherapy practice and Expertise.

  • Wisdom as a mother of four. 

  • Source of stability to keep the course on track and ensure the highest quality of program excellence and service delivery.

  • My presence and my love of learning and sharing it.

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