Young Warriors

An Empowerment Course for Young Women

Tools for life

We believe each young woman or teen should be empowered in their attitudes, values, beliefs and desires.

Young warriors is a space that is safe for girls to come and be themselves, open up and talk about what it is they are facing and receive the support and guidance they need in addition to that of their parents.

We normalize conversations around taboo topics such as our bodies, safety, sexuality and consent while providing access to real information with real conversation.

The course is foundational in developing the ingredients in how to evaluate situations as they come up and develop a process for making decisions that is personal to them.

Each woman has a unique way of thinking & being, and that is exactly what we are trying to harness in our time together. This is a great place for girls to explore who they are and be empowered in the process.

We believe in educating young women early to be prepared to face the complexities of life. In order for us to protect them, it is imperative that they learn some basic skills in how to be ok in their own skin and build a base in how to evaluate what is best for them and why and develop the courage to act on it.

While these young woman take to the task of figuring out who they are in the world, we plan to give them tools for the journey and hope they feel the encouragement and support behind them that they need.

This is how we create empowered women…

This is how we protect them..

and this is how they learn

that they can change the world.


Join us today for our Powerful talk on how to Ignite your courage, purpose and power in parenthood!


“We believe that when women learn to become the leaders of their own lives, they become leaders of the world as well”.

Hannah Vanderheyden Founder and Creator Group Facilitator

Hannah Vanderheyden
Founder and Creator
Group Facilitator

  • Robbins Madanes Life Coach

  • Advanced Relationship Coach (Strategic Intervention)

  • Sexual Health Educator- Certifying

  • Diploma (+ certified) Early Childhood Educator

  • Diploma (+certified) Special Needs Educator

  • SAR (Sexual Attitudes Reassessment)

  • Seleema Noon- Body Science

  • I bring my life experience and “been there” wisdom, along with 15 years experience working as an educator and professional life coach.  

  • My ability to normalize conversations around taboo topics and provide access to real information with real conversation.

  • My genuine enjoyment of facilitating conversations related to bodies, safety, sexuality and consent.  I enjoy engaging my audience and being that rare person who can respond fully to a persons curiosity, comments and questions. 

As a Robbins-Madanes Life Coach and Educator of children with special challenges, I partnered with Patricia Berendsen, a Psychotherapist and Somatic Sex Educator to bring the best of our 45 years of combined work expertise and life experience!
There isn’t a program offered to youth quite like this one.
Welcome to the Young Warriors dream team!

Patricia Berendsen Co-creator Clinical consultant

Patricia Berendsen
Clinical consultant

RP (registered Psychotherapist)

  • RSW (registered social worker)

  • SET (somatic experiencing Practioner)

  • SSE (somatic sex educator) Life Coach

  • CCFT (certified couple and family therapist)

  • Over 30 years of Psychotherapy practice and Expertise.

  • Wisdom as a mother of four. 

  • Source of stability to keep the course on track and ensure the highest quality of program excellence and service delivery.

  • My presence and my love of learning and sharing it.


We believe in people starting early to heal their lives so they don’t have to do this later in life. This is really important to get a head start.


To create a revolutionary force of women who know their value and who have the courage to live their purpose.

We want to normalize the conversations and feelings around our bodies, safety, sexuality and consent.

We want our youth to have the opportunity to ask the questions they are curious about and have access to real information, with real conversation.

We believe young women should be especially empowered in their attitudes, values and desires around sex, sensuality and sexuality as much as every other area of their life.

By giving people the words to use and some steps to take in potentially uncomfortable scenarios, we believe we can reduce trauma and preserve authenticity on a large scale.

We believe that with the right training in communicating our needs, desires and boundaries.. we can also decrease “Me too.” by creating the foundation for enthusiastic consent.

We believe that with a reduction in these preventable traumas.. young women will use this energy to develop who they are and pursue building the life they want instead.

The formative years of adolescence and puberty often defines much of our adult lives; our beliefs about the world, who we believe we are, and who we ultimately become.

Being a young woman often involves experiencing a lot of shame.

When we go through puberty, so much changes for us. Our hormones kick in, we begin menstruating and our bodies change…a lot! Sometimes this means we experience an awkward few years adjusting to our maturing bodies. Even more, our bodies become noticed and a source of focus for friends, and family alike. There is a lot of pressure that comes in about who we should be, what we feel we should look like… how we should act and what is expected of us.

Crushes might start to blossom and sexual desire starts to form.

Being liked and fitting in becomes the most important thing…

Young women are bombarded with messages about body image, diet and sexuality- which can contribute to unintended outcomes such as eating disorders, unwanted sexual attention, disrespect and even rape. Often at the root of this is the desire to achieve the incredibly high standards being imposed on them.

What is “normal” at this time of adolescence is a complete mystery. Teens may be less likely to go to their parents for guidance and support and typically turn to their peers instead. This is natural for the developmental stage they are in.

They are faced with sexual pressures along with alcohol and drugs.

Are your daughters equipped emotionally and thought-wise to handle these things?

Talking to your teenaged daughter can be easier said than done.

While we understand that every family unit is different and some children DO speak with their parents about what’s going on.. This was not my story. Nor has it been the case of most of the women I’ve ever known. That’s the hard - core - truth.

I paid the price.
Most of the women around me have too.

We want this story to end with us.

We need adult mentorship in addition to our parents.
We need someone we can confide in. Someone we can trust to help guide us through.

Our intention…

is not to be the one who talks to your teens.

We hope to be one- of many.

We want you to feel supported in your role as a parent or guardian, and we encourage you to talk to your teens in - small - frequent - casual- amounts of time.

  • Communication

  • Authenticity

  • Enjoyment

Young warriors is a space that is safe for girls to come and be themselves, open up and talk about what it is they are facing and receive the support and guidance they need.
The classrooms are open ended, open minded, flexible, receptive and serving of necessary development that often goes left underdeveloped.

This program encompasses topics such as esteem of self and body, healthy practices of self-love, menstruation, how to hack their monthly cycles, sexuality & sexual orientation (LGTBQ2), self-care and learning to ask for what they need and want.

We will also be exploring topics like trust and how to balance responsibility, enjoyment and standards of behaviour. We’ll explore language, communication phrasing and exit strategies to get out of uncomfortable situations safely while upholding esteem within their peers and staying true to their authentic self.

By thinking about these questions ahead of time and exploring what is okay for them and what is not, young women will be more likely able to tap into this knowledge and apply it in real time. They are also more likely to feel empowered in their decision-making and will begin developing a healthy sense of self.

Teaching Philosophy:

“The most flexible person in any conversation has the greatest influence”. 

We use an inductive (under approach) and emergent process to learning where the students actively engage with the material.  This process is a collaboration that encourages young women to think for themselves as opposed to deductive (on top of)- towards you learning which is centred around memorization and authoritative (know-best approach that emphasizes obedience or a specific structure/way of doing things) teaching.  

The active learning process helps the girls prove to themselves their own agency (increase in the amount of options a young women can access in how to view, handle and respond to stimuli), thus increasing self-efficacy (capacity/effectiveness for producing a desired result or effect) and fostering further self-development which increases self esteem.

This type of setting is natural and conducive to healthy development and life long learning.

Our intention is not to be the one who talks to your teens.
We hope to be one- of many.

We want to empower parents to fulfil their mission in their purpose as parents in our evolving world. 

We are in the making of a self-paced, stay at home course that supports parents and their teens in embarking on profoundly necessary and sometimes challenging conversations. 

We normalize and explore conversations around taboo topics such as our bodies, safety, sexuality and consent while providing access to real information with real conversation.

Click on the “PARENT EDUCATION” Tab to receive a FREE copy of our module “Igniting your purpose and power in parenthood

Bare Bones

How do we work?

  • In person

  • 6 weeks

  • 6 modules (1.5hrs each)

  • 1 party for the sisterhood

Group Size:

  • 8 participants: 1 facilitator.

  • Ages 13-17

Fee’s are based on full enrolment (8 attendees)
Smaller groups is an option. The group will be charged to meet the full cost of the program.

Courage, Purpose and Power in Parenthood:
How do we work?

  • By phone

  • 3 modules (1hr each)

  • Live Call in Q&A with your specialists: Hannah and Patricia

  • Invitation to private purpose and power in parenting facebook group.

    Investment: $1,050 + GST combined total including both teen + parent program.

Parent Education - Our Gift to You

Thank you!

Thank you for being here.  It takes guts to walk through these doors and we’re really glad you did.  We hope your time with us was informative and that it helped you connect more deeply with your purpose in parenthood.  We understand it is A lot to think about. 

As a gift and thank you for coming by, we’d like to offer you short and powerful mini module:

“Igniting Your Purpose and Power as Parents”

Fill in the information below to receive your gift 👇


P.s. we’d also like to invite you to our public Facebook group “igniting your purpose and power in parenthood”. We want our parents to have an opportunity to meet likeminded parents and have access to supportive conversations throughout parenthood. 

Welcome to the tribe 🌸😃, Enjoy!


Fill the form below to book a spot in this amazing workshop series!



Location (s): 
BC Alliance for Arts + Culture Centre Downtown

938 Howe St, Vancouver, BC



Wouldn’t it be great if young women everywhere had the opportunity to participate in a course like this?

Donate to help give girls everywhere an opportunity:

A well articulated perspective that echos the beat of our drum:

We highly encourage our parents to watch this!

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