Equal Give and Take


Equal give and take. 

Relationships have the capacity to nourish our cups of love, growth, and connection.  

The ingredients:

If the ships are aligned in unison with a common goal, and the attitude is of gratitude and cooperation,  it’s likely we’ll build fulfilling and sustained outcomes. 


We only have so much time, attention and energy (resources) to collaborate potently with in life.  

What I’ve observed is that positive playmates enhance and activate this energy, abundantly.  

Focus is our superpower and where we direct it is up to us. The direction of our focus will drive the outcomes as a result.  

Be sure to FOCUS on what you DO WANT VS. What you DON’T.

If we constantly focus on what is weak/different, we are more than likely to be dissatisfied in our connections and find our results unsuccessful or less than desired.  

Growth moments use high energy and we aim to surround ourselves with growth companions who help us bear witness to the fruits from the labour.  

We use the challenges/blocks as resources to evolve and discover new routes to our desired outcomes.  

This is where being selective in the playmates we surround ourselves with is important.  

Whether it be professional, personal or spiritual, these playmates/companions are the witness to the fruit of our fulfillment.   

Pick the playmates that bear fruit abundantly in everyones lives.


There is a difference between willing and unwilling playmates. 

Here are some great question to ask ourselves when deciphering who these positive playmates are, we can; 


1.  Identify who in your life has appeared / approached the relationship willingly to co-create with you?

2. Ask ourselves, “How willing are we to grow together?  

3. How willing are we to learn from each-other?

4. How willing are we to become resourceful and creative in engineering a process to success that works for everyone involved?


Once positive playmates have been identified, use these questions to create a foundation for success:

5. Identify the areas of the relationship that are strong. 

6. Identify common values

7. Identify the individual strengths and weaknesses of each person. 

8. Leverage these strengths to support the mutual values of the union for benefit.  

9. Essentially, what are we expecting to learn from each-other?

You are worthy of positive playmates.  

There are people demonstrating similar values of co-creation, and they want to do it with you.  

When we let go of unwilling playmates, we make room for those who are ready and willing to meet you at the level you are at.  

Those who demonstrate a willingness to collaborate, communicate and enter our vortex. 

Next time you find yourself discontented in a union or area of life/relationship you are interacting with, consider applying these principles and see what happens. 

Think like a scientist of your interactions.   Observe which methods drive the highest fulfillment and success towards the life you are building. 

Peace, love and community unity. 

